Cambridge X-Ray Astronomy Group:
Bunclub Summer 2007

Date Bunbringer Speaker Title Time Notes Venue
29/06/2007 Andy Fabian Angel Ruiz Multiwavelength Spectral Energy Distribution of Hyper-Luminous Infrared Galaxies 15:30 - Obs
06/07/2007 Helen Russell Paper Discussion 15:30 - Obs
13/07/2007 Angel Ruiz Giovanni Miniutti Very few words on BH X-ray binaries and other small (very small indeed) miracles 15:30 - Hoyle
20/07/2007 Josefin Larsson Helen Russell Galaxy Clusters: Deposition + Deprojection 15:30 - Obs
27/07/2007 Mary Erlund Paper Discussion 15:30 - Hoyle
03/08/2007 Andy Young Jeremy Sanders XMM RGS observations of Centaurus 15:30 - Hoyle
17/08/2007 Roderick Johnstone Poshak Gandhi How do I say "X-ray Astronomy" in Japanese? 15:30 - Hoyle
24/08/2007 Jeremy Sanders Andy Young ISIS 15:30 - Hoyle
31/08/2007 James Graham Paper Discussion 15:30 - Hoyle
07/09/2007 Giovanni Miniutti Ranjan Vasudevan The Radiation-Absorption Connection in AGN 15:30 - Hoyle
14/09/2007 Helen Russell Paper Discussion 15:30 - Obs
21/09/2007 Andy Fabian Andy Fabian TeV Variability in Blazars 15:30 - Obs
28/09/2007 Ranjan Vasudevan Seminar 15:30 - Obs

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