Cambridge X-Ray Astronomy Group
Bunclub Lent 2003

Date Bunbringer Speaker Title Time Venue
17th January - - cancelled - -
24th January Simon Vaughan Steve Allen The Ringberg Meeting 3:30pm Hoyle Meeting Room
31st January Steve Allen Keith Arnaud Bayesian statistics - what XSPEC should be doing 3:30pm Hoyle Meeting Room
7th February Roderick Johnstone Enrico Ramirez Ruiz TBA 3:30pm Hoyle Meeting Room
14th February Adrian Turner Jess Bromley Forming supermassive black holes 3:30pm Hoyle Meeting Room
21st February Weimin Yuan Poshak Gandhi Astronomical Facilities in Chile 3:30pm Hoyle Meeting Room
28th February Peter Jonker Jeremy Sanders A Short Chandra Observation of Abell 2204 3:30pm Obs Meeting Room
7th March - Simon Vaughan TBA 3:30pm Obs Meeting Room
14th March Jeremy Sanders Weimin Yuan TBA 3:30pm Hoyle Meeting Room
21st March Andy Fabian Adrian Turner TBA 3:30pm Hoyle Meeting Room
28th March Alessandra de Rosa Davide Lazzati X-ray lines in Gamma-Ray Burst afterglows 3:30pm Hoyle Meeting Room
4th April Matthew Worsley Kazushi Iwasawa TBA 3:30pm Hoyle Meeting Room
11th April Lisa Voigt Francesca Panessa Study of a sample of Seyfert galaxies 3:30pm Hoyle Meeting Room

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Published 1996-2002 by the Institute of Astronomy X-Ray Group. Last Modified on 2002-06-12. Comments to the xray-webmaster at