Cambridge X-Ray Astronomy Group
Bunclub Lent 2001

Date Bunbringer Speaker Title Time Venue
12th January Glenn Morris Kazushi Iwasawa Hard X-ray constraint on AGN in Arp220 4.00pm Hoyle Committee Room
19th January Andrea Merloni Social - 4.00pm RGO Common Room
26th January Kazushi Iwasawa Raquel Morales Revealing the warm absorber in MCG-6-30-15 with Chandra HETG 3.30pm RGO Common Room
2nd February David Shih Andrea Merloni On comptonized reflection in black holes spectra 3.30pm RGO Common Room
9th February - - RAS meeting in London 3.30pm RGO Common Room
16th February Clemens Bayer Simon Vaughan A very rough guide to XMM-Newton analysis 3.30pm RGO Common Room
23rd February Carolin Crawford Poshak Gandhi The hot, obscured Universe 3.30pm RGO Common Room
2nd March Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz Glenn Morris Virtual Light 3.30pm RGO Common Room
9th March Simon Vaughan none Social Bunclub 3.30pm RGO Common Room
16th March Roderick Johnstone none Social Bunclub 3.30pm RGO Common Room
23rd March David Ballantyne Les Arcs Participants Les Arcs Conference Review 3.30pm RGO Common Room

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Published 1996-2000 by the Institute of Astronomy X-Ray Group. Last Modified on 2000/01/10. Comments to the xray-webmaster at