Cambridge X-Ray Astronomy Group
Bunclub Easter 2002

Date Bunbringer Speaker Title Time Venue
5th April Alessandra De Rosa Steve Allen TBA 4:00pm Obs. Meeting Room
12th April -- -- Cancelled - NAM 2002 -- --
19th April Roderick Johnstone Alessandra De Rosa Study of X-ray reflection features in a sample of Sy-1s observed by BeppoSAX 4:00pm Obs. Meeting Room
26th April Enrico Ramirez Ruiz -- Social Bunclub 4:00pm Hoyle Meeting Room
3rd May Davide Lazzati Glenn Morris Conduction, Clusters, Computers: Cooling? 4:00pm Obs. Meeting Room
10th May Weimin Yuan Clemens Bayer-Kim The Peculiar Cooling Flow Cluster R0820.9+0752 4:00pm Hoyle Meeting Room
17th May Clemens Bayer-Kim Kazushi Iwasawa Chandra images of the luminous infrared galaxy Arp220 4:00pm Hoyle Meeting Room
24th May Andy Fabian -- Social Bunclub 4:00pm Hoyle Meeting Room
31st May -- -- --Cancelled Jubilee Weekend-- -- --
7th June David Ballantyne -- TBA 4:00pm Obs. Meeting Room
14th June Adrian Turner Roderick Johnstone TBA 4:00pm Hoyle Meeting Room
21st June Simon Vaughan Jess Bromley TBA 4:00pm Obs. Meeting Room
28th June Andy Fabian -- Social Bunclub 4:00pm Hoyle Meeting Room

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Published 1996-2002 by the Institute of Astronomy X-Ray Group. Last Modified on 2002-04=11. Comments to the xray-webmaster at