Cambridge X-Ray Astronomy Group
Bunclub Lent 2002

Date Bunbringer Speaker Title Time Venue
18th January Lisa Voigt Weimin Yuan ASCA Results On The Super-Luminal Quasar 1928+738 4.00pm Obs Meeting Room
25th January Adrian Turner Peter Jonker The Low-Mass X-Ray Binary 2A 1822-37 3.30pm Obs Meeting Room
1st February Peter Jonker None Social Bunclub 3.30pm Obs Meeting Room
8th February -- -- Cancelled - RAS Meeting London -- --
15th February Carolin Crawford Simon Vaughan Adventures With Random Data 3.30pm Obs Meeting Room
22rd February Jess Bromley None Social Bunclub 3.30pm Obs Meeting Room
1st March Steve Allen Phil Uttley (Southampton) X-ray variability in Seyfert 1s 3.30pm Obs Meeting Room
8th March Lisa Voigt -- Social Bunclub 3:30pm Obs. Meeting Room
15th March Glenn Morris -- Social Bunclub 3.30pm Obs Meeting Room
22nd March Jeremy Sanders Aya Kubota (Kanagawa, Japan) TBA 3.30pm Obs Meeting Room
29th March -- -- Cancelled - Good Friday -- --

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Published 1996-2002 by the Institute of Astronomy X-Ray Group. Last Modified on 2001/12/19. Comments to the xray-webmaster at