Cambridge X-Ray Astronomy Group
Bunclub Easter 2004

Date Bunbringer Speaker Title Time Venue
16th April Robert Dunn Davide Lazzati Precursor activity in GRBs: where theory does not meet observations 3.30pm OBS
23rd April Andy Fabian Steve Allen New Light on Dark Energy 3.30pm Hoyle
30th April Lisa Voigt Julien Malzac INTEGRAL observation of Cyg X-1 in an intermediate state 3.30pm OBS
7th May Davide Lazzati Roderick Johnstone xspec12 in 4 slides 4.00pm OBS
14th May Weimin Yuan Jeremy Sanders Some New Techniques 3.30pm Hoyle
21st May Franz Bauer Naoki Itoh Relativistic Corrections to the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect for Clusters of Galaxies 3.30pm Hoyle
28th May Steve Allen Dave Alexander The X-ray spectra of high-z ULIRGs 3.30pm Hoyle
4th June Adrian Turner - Social 3.30pm Obs
11th June Jamie Crummy Matt Worsley The X-ray background: where's the rest? 3.30pm Hoyle
18th June Jeremy Sanders Giovanni Miniutti A Fantasy comes to Reality 3.30pm Hoyle

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Published 1996-2004 by the Institute of Astronomy X-Ray Group. Last Modified on 2004-02-28. Comments to the xray-webmaster at